At Magamila, quality is our utmost priority. Here you can find more detailed information about our oil, from its harvesting techniques, to its production.
Cultivar: A blend of the three types of olives: Nocellara Etnea (75%), Biancolilla and Cerasuola (25%).
Production Zone: Magamila (center of Sicily)
Region: Sicily
Average altitude of olive groves: 100m-400m above sea level.
Harvesting period: October
Maturation state: At first sight of ripeness.
Method of harvest: By hand.
Smell and Taste: The sensory analysis performed on December 2021 describes it as a balanced olive oil, characterised by medium fruity, green, bitter, and spicy qualities with notes of fresh herbs, tomatoes and artichokes.
Filtration: Natural decantation.
Extraction: Cold Extracted
Sanitary control system: Haccp – Organismo di Controllo Suolo e Salute – Ministero delle Politiche Agricole

Characteristics: It is (668mg/kg) of polyphenols. (0.2g/100g) acidity.
Beyond the indication of high quality, the health benefits of polyphenols are numerous. Being an oxidant, they are particularly important for reducing bad cholesterol, blood sugar, and can act as a prevention for serious illness. Finally, its low acidity is an indicator of it being extra virgin.
Organic: Certified as 100% Organic from “Suolo e Salute”.
P.G.I.: Protected Geographical Indication (certified by Istituto Vini ed Oli di Sicilia)
Expiration date: 24 months post bottling.
Allergies: 100% vegetarian and does not contain gluten.